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Below, you will find testimonials from  our amazing students and their parents! 


Michele and George Schulz

"What to say about Busy Bee Tutoring... everything! I have know Miss Maria for 18 years, well before our daughter Sophia was born: she has been an amazing instructor and friend since the day I met her. Jump forward to 2016 and our daughter is off to kindergarten. We knew right away we wanted Miss Maria to tutor Sophia: our goal was to make sure Sophia stayed ahead in school. Miss Maria, during Sophia's first three years accomplished just that! Then in 2019, Miss Maria asked if we would work with another tutor, Miss Cailei, and what a gem... another great year. Busy Bee tutoring identifies your child's needs, focuses on those areas, and builds their confidence. Sophia is now in 4th grade still excelling and still using some of the original learning sheets Busy Bee tutoring provided all those years ago. Thank you Miss Maria and staff!"

Zoe & Ava's Mom

"Last year my girls were struggling with reading and math. Ms. Kelsey from Busy Bee Tutoring came to our home initially to help my daughter Zoe with reading. She was struggling to the point that she couldn’t read simple sentences at the 2nd grade level. Within 2-3 tutoring sessions with Ms. Kelsey Zoe was reading these same sentences fluently and with full confidence. We also brought Ms. Kelsey in to help my other daughter, Ava, with her math. Within just a few sessions Ava had a firm grasp on time and money. Both of their grades improved and with that their confidence grew strong. Thank you Ms. Kelsey and Busy Bee Tutoring!"

Lisa and Gia’s Mom

“We have had Miss Maria in our lives since our girls were toddlers. We started with swimming lessons and then tutoring. One of my daughters has dyslexia, and she lacked confidence. Miss Maria used strategies to help with reading, but also with building her confidence so she could conquer all subjects. My younger daughter was a little behind in reading at her grade level, Miss Maria gave her the boost she needed by working on vocabulary, phonics and reading fluency. Now both of my daughters are doing well thanks to Busy Bee!”

Kayla’s Mom

“We love Busy Bee! My daughter has worked with several tutors from first grade up until fourth grade. We would still be with them, but we moved away. The tutors are kind and garner trust in children so they can let down their guard and really learn. The support has given my daughter the confidence she needs to succeed. Worth every penny!”

Twin’s Mom

"Our daughter struggles with her comprehension and remembering what she has learned. Working with Busy Bee helped her to focus on the basics, improve her ability to understand what she’s learning, and apply it to her homework. She’s consistently making progress and it’s thanks to the skills she’s learning with Busy Bee.” - Katie’s Mom “Miss Dallas helped bring the twins up to grade level after being behind almost all their lives. It took less than a year to help them catch up. And she really instilled a desire to learn in them. The personal relationship really helped set the foundation for their motivation.”

Jack's Mom

“My son has had issues with slowing down, and truly processing his work. He likes to rush and get ahead. But working with Miss Kelsey got him to take his time, improve his handwriting, focus on his work more deliberately, and learn the skills he needed to do his work on his own.”

Zoie’s Mom

“My daughter was struggling with her self-confidence, and her grades were dropping in school. When she got paired up with the right tutor, I noticed her getting excited for sessions, and soon she was getting excited for school again too. Working with Miss Kelsey and Busy Bee brought up her grades while also lifting her spirits.”

Lincoln’s Mom

“My son was shy, nervous, and full of self-doubt before working with miss Dallas. Tutoring has been one of the best things in his life. It really changed him and gave him the ability to believe in himself. He went on to win a competition in speech by speaking about how tutoring changed his life.”

Hannah’s Mom

“When my daughter first started tutoring she struggled with applying what she had learned and remembering content. Working with Busy Bee helped increase her fluency and comprehension, as well as develop her retention. Now, she understands what she’s reading, can apply it, and feel more confident in class with her peers.”

Easton’s Mom & Dad

“Our son was very unmotivated and confused. After working with Miss Dallas, he learned good study habits and brought his grades up 2 letters."

David’s Dad

“My son has always had a ton of energy, and a difficult time focusing in school. When he started working with Miss Kelsey, she used exercises and creative activities to keep him engaged and also use that extra energy to fuel his work effort. Busy Bee offered new solutions, and my son had a great time during his sessions.”

Kevin’s Grandma

“My grandson was behind and struggling emotionally as well as academically. Miss Dallas’ stick with it attitude really impressed me as she helped him excel.”

Shannon’s Mom

“My daughter struggled with math at each grade level in elementary school until she started working with Busy Bee. Now she is is getting A’s in math in high school, and has all of the confidence in the world. So grateful for the math strategies she learned from Busy Bee.”

Miss Pam, Busy Bee Tutor

"I was approached by Miss Maria concerning two sisters, both in high school, who had suddenly lost their father. They were struggling, along with their mother, to cope. Miss Maria showed sincere concern not just for the girls but for the mother as well. Tutoring was one way to help relieve some of the mother’s stress in trying to help her daughters. As a result of Miss Maria’s concern for the entire family’s well being, the older daughter graduated and the younger daughter was able to bring up her failing grades. Miss Maria took the time to truly match the girls with a tutor who showed compassion, but at the same time showed firmness in what was needed and expected to get them through this difficult time."

Madeline’s Dad

“My daughter has been working with Busy Bee since second grade, and they’ve been there to help her through middle school and transitioning into high school. I believe Busy Bee has made a large impact on her growth as a learner, but also gave her the added support she needed to feel confident in achieving her goals.”

Hannah & Karen’s Mom

“My twin daughters were having difficulty with reading and math as they started fourth grade. We were lucky to find Busy Bee. The compassion the tutors have for children who are struggling and feel unsuccessful is their platform, and from there, they begin teaching children a different way, using strategies that build confidence. Both of my daughters are doing wonderful now and we will be for ever grateful for their help.”

Kyla's Mom

"My daughter had a tough time focusing and completing her work. This was her first experience with tutoring, and Miss Kelsey helped her to feel comfortable and focus on getting her work done. My daughter can be very shy, but Miss Kelsey was able to work well with her and still help her with her studies. Busy Bee instructors go above and beyond when it comes to making children feel confident, and successful. The bond that my daughter had with Miss Kelsey really brought her out of her shell. She began to love school and learning. It was amazing to see her grow both socially and academically. I recommend Busy Bee to all of my friends."

Darren's Dad

“My son has severe ADHD which makes sitting down to do his homework a difficult task for him. His grades were going down, and that’s when we started tutoring. Miss Kelsey used many creative strategies, such as fun mental and physical exercises, to help my son learn to cope and focus. By the end of their time together he was completing his work and having a more positive attitude toward learning. The Busy Bee team is very collaborative and they work together to customize strategies and solutions that help each child overcome their areas of need. My son is an active learner who went from complete frustration, to learning and enjoying learning. I can't say enough about the quality and genuine nature of Miss Kelsey and the Busy Bee Team.”

Madeline Fields

“I have been with Busy Bee Tutoring for 11 years now and they have not let me down. I started getting tutored in the first grade when Mrs. Maria was first establishing the business. She was able to set aside the appropriate amount of time each week to help me raise my English grade, which must not have been easy considering I was a hyperactive 6-year-old who wanted to do anything other than school work. From first grade to middle school, Mrs. Maria helped me each school year with the new challenges that the next grade presented. When transitioning to middle school, I switched tutors as the business began to grow, and was given too Ms. Kelsey. To this day, I couldn’t be happier that she was given to me as a tutor. She has watched me evolve academically over the years, and helped me tackle various obstacles in a variety of subjects that I have struggled with throughout the years. She was especially helpful during this past year with the COVID pandemic, and helping me pass my second semester of my sophomore year in high school with the abrupt online switch. This switch was not easy for me as I am a hands-on learner. Throughout the years, Ms. Kelsey has always set aside time to get to know my family and me, and has checked up on us periodically throughout the years. She has formed a relationship with my family that really showed during the COVID shutdown. She set aside time to contact my family and make sure that we were all healthy and happy. She genuinely cares about each of her clients and I look forward to her help throughout the rest of my academic career.”

Chloe F.

“Dallas tutored me all the way from elementary school to high school. The experience

was very beneficial for me as I never made less than a B on a report card throughout

school. Tutoring from Dallas allowed me graduate high school with my associates

degree and attend the #7 public university in the nation for college!”

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